Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Easter mini sessions round 2

Dewdrops Photography by Amy McDaniel

Easter mini sessions
The fee is $75.00 and includes your 20 minute session with 5-10 edited images
for viewing in an online gallery, along with one 5x7, 8 wallets and 2 digital files.
Additional prints can be ordered.
The fee is for up to 3 people. More than 3 requires two sessions
to allow the proper amount of time.

So dress in your Sunday best and bring your Easter baskets!
(A live bunny rabbit will be available along with some cute Easter props)

Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve 

(Farmville Rd. Entrance)

April 3rd




Friday, March 4, 2011

Picture Parties
What a fun reason to get together with your girlfriends and have a fabulous time.
  When was the last time you had a portrait made of just yourself? 
Probably college or your wedding right?
Hosting a Picture Party can be an easy, relaxing time for yourself and your friends.
Being a mother of three I know how precious "me" time is.
So sit back and enjoy a glass of wine with your best friends and 
have some "me" time.
The cost is $20.00 per person and it includes an easy, breezy 10 minute session
and two digital images to use as they like.
Great ideas include:
facebook profile
frame it as a present for your spouse or parent
dating website profile

$20.00 fee is waived for host and minimum guest count is 10. $20.00 per person fee is due
one week prior to party.

 Email me at~dewdropsphoto@yahoo.com